The spark between a man and woman is one of the best forces on this material plane. Respect for one another's holistic life and regarding spiritual needs is the very basis of a happy relationship especially if you are a spiritually oriented person. A happy relationship is genuinely successful if one can be one's own true self in front of a partner, weaknesses included! <br />Excerpt from my book - 7 Tips Of Peaceful Dating based on fundamental and universal spiritual laws of love and balance. Internet Dating Profile For Man is on first becoming one with your own self, getting to know what you do and what YOU want and need, then following certain guidelines to do it now the most important being developing of a friendship first BEFORE starting until now. My prayer is that the stress of finding a partner is dissolved for you and also the joy of living a fuller life is obtained. Your spiritual vibration will elevate using these applications. <br />Tip#1 Focus on Your Spiritual Path <br />Whatever your spiritual path chosen, give it your top priority - it doesn't matter what. The universe has given you something very special. You must give it its due respect. Follow all the practices that are vital that you and that work for you. Do not ever let your daily spiritual practice slip for anything in the world - a partner, a job, family, all the gold in the world anything! Once the firm base of a spiritual path is established, you are near the first step to success - any sort of success, including finding somebody. If How to Write a Catchy Dating Profile Headline meditate twice a day - then do so and take it a step further, practice the presence of God. Brother Lawrence a seventeenth century French monk known for his simplicity and he celebrated God's presence in every moment of his day-to-day. In mundane tasks like making pancakes and tossing the pancake over he would thank God for giving him the opportunity to complete this. His simple wisdom was etched throughout words. &quot; It is plenty for me to pick up but a straw from the ground for the passion for God.&quot; We can accomplish this - it's easy! To be able to you can do professionals first by being strong with your friendship with God or the universe whatever you want to call it.

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