This episode of 'Castle' was titled 'Not Drama' and yes it showed exactly how towards the season's finale the episode was. There are now only three more episodes left but nothing looks like it's moving with Beckett and Castle. There was progress of some form of way because it started with all the relationship being mentioned. Beckett and Lanie were referring to it and Lanie was declaring that she gets to convey something prior to it being too far gone. <br />Before a crime had taken place. A lady was shown to have been killed in a motel with a man rummaging through her things. The man found what she was looking for and took off before anyone found your body. Lanie and Beckett remained talking once the call came through regarding the crime that were committed. They continued discussing it till they got on the place however it only agreed to be punctured when Castle turned up having a blonde escort. <br /> &#3604;&#3641;&#3595;&#3637;&#3619;&#3637;&#3656;&#3618;&#3660;&#3592;&#3637;&#3609; was funny in a way investigating Kate as she attemptedto find the appropriate moment to share with you them as Castle seemed to don't have any care on the globe besides piecing true together. He wanted to be on the truth but seemed displeased that Gate just allowed him in with no fight. Then he also got ticked off when Beckett agreed with another detective as they were looking to patch together what actually transpired. <br />It proved that this man that's checking victim's things in the event the show started was a cop along with the detective that joined the situation, one Inspector Colin Hunt and the man was a friend in the victim. She was a British model who was killed by individuals who had earlier killed her boyfriend. &#3595;&#3637;&#3619;&#3637;&#3656;&#3618;&#3660;&#3592;&#3637;&#3609; 2020 had been investigating the boyfriend's death but got too close because of their comfort. The boyfriend had uncovered a global weapon smuggling ring that involved some high flyers including a British diplomat. He got killed correctly and thus was the lady. <br />The diplomat had someone kill Naomi although not after she had gotten the number with the cargo which had the weapon from the diplomat and kept it in a place only hunt knows and which was what he obtained. And the crime was such that the diplomat had no immunity. <br />That was the sum in the episode with Beckett never developing a possiblity to put her feelings to Castle. &#3604;&#3641;&#3595;&#3637;&#3619;&#3637;&#3656;&#3618;&#3660;&#3592;&#3637;&#3609; is coming to an end but nothing is claimed of season 6. It may be because of the long summer break and they would be announcing it during that period in case this can be a end, something has to happen before the three episodes are up.

castle-_39/not-drama_39/review-69008.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2020/03/04 11:48 przez vangrice5
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