Perhaps you had to much to drink or just got caught up in the moment, but you had sex with this great guy on your second date and you haven't heard from him simply because. Of course this has wounded your pride produced you feel like he probably thinks you simple. However, you can never tell when is just too soon for sex. It sometimes can happen on early date and still result in long and happy relationship. Other times, such as you are now experiencing, the man simply vanishes entirely. <br />So if there aren't hard and fast rules that determine when to build sex in a relationship, you have to be the way it is simply. What do you feel for this guy? Are you interested a relationship or just date him again to save your pride? Your head is probably telling a person just forget it happened, but your heart is saying something else. However to be Writing a Great Online Dating Profile - A Woman's Guide to do something that forces you to sorry, you have to stay and be honest with yourself about your motives. <br />If you felt an electricity and think could possibly be a future, you should go for it. However, for you to do it in the right way and with your emotions under control. The act of sex can mean different things to a guy than to a chick. Writing a Great Online Dating Profile - A Woman's Guide are natural predators and always looking for their quickie that will not lead any farther. Women put a lot of emotion behind a sexual act and since they are natural nesters they usually want it to have a deeper meaning. <br />When he first met you, you were unattainable, like a princess within ivory tower. It had been a challenge to cross the moat, slay the dragon and scale the walls of the tower to rescue you. Why Are So Many People Addicted To Online Dating after he has sex with you, the challenge is gone. He might feel a little disillusioned that it was simple and wonder if you fall in bed collectively man you date. You need to have a serious relationship with this guy, you will have to change the image rapidly has of you. <br />The way to change his image of you is to show him the woman you are unquestionably. This won't be an easy task, it can be possible. First you will be required to have contact with him and that can be performed by text, email or phone call, but however you do it, don't mention in which you regret having sex so soon because you are trying to make him forget what happened and get a fresh start. Make your attitude one of cheerful friendliness. Invite him to lunch or the movies. <br />Everything will have staying on a friendly grounds for a while. You need to see if you adequate in common to commence a serious relationship. But by showing him by actions and not words that you are not an easy mark, may never regain his respect. In terms of when to have sex again, let things develop and see what comes. However, don't let it happen too soon or you may be right back at square one.