<p>The best pattern to follow for writing any kind of school essay is the five-paragraph essay model - introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. As your essay-writing skills mature, you can certainly move beyond this model (and by the time you do university courses, you will be expected to do so), but it&#8217;s a good basic model to start with. An expository essay is an essay that explains or gives information about a topic. In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown: Three Literary Interpretations of essay, each of the three body paragraphs introduces one major piece of information about the topic, so that the essay as a whole makes three main points. An analytical essay is a particular type of expository essay, the purpose of which is to explain or give information about a work of literature. In this type of essay, each of the three body paragraphs will contain one main example from the text to support the essay&#8217;s thesis. INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: This paragraph should tell the reader what your paper is going to be about. Explore the idea of &#8220;manhood&#8221; in Macbeth. What does it mean to &#8220;be a man&#8221; in this play?</p><br /><br /><p>Your opening paragraph might read something like this. Real men don&#8217;t cry &#8230; or watch soap operas &#8230; or wear pink. Every society has certain ideas attached to what it means to be &#8220;manly&#8221; or &#8220;womanly.&#8221; (1) Shakespeare&#8217;s great tragedy Macbeth, the story of a Scottish lord who kills the king in order to become king himself, is no exception. 2, 3, 4, 5). Throughout this play, characters constantly make reference to manhood and the idea of &#8220;being a man.&#8221; In Macbeth, manhood is always associated with physical courage and sometimes even with cruelty. BODY PARAGRAPHS: These should answer the question &#8220;why? &#8221; by giving more information about your topic. Each paragraph should be between three and six sentences long and each should have one single, clear main idea. Each paragraph needs to include specific examples and direct quotes from the work of literature you&#8217;re discussing. To whom are they speaking?</p><br /><br /><p>Use a comma before the quote, and enclose the entire quote in quotation marks. Be specific about how the quote connects to your thesis. Analysis should be the largest part of your paragraph. For example, imagine that you are continuing the Macbeth essay on manliness with the first body paragraph. Lady Macbeth uses the idea of &#8220;manliness&#8221; to motivate her husband to commit murder. 1) Before Macbeth murders King Duncan, he begins to have doubts about what he is doing. 2) Lady Macbeth challenges him by saying, (3) &#8220;When you durst do it, then you were a man&#8221; (Act I, Sc. 7) (4). She says that when Macbeth was willing to kill Duncan, then he was acting like &#8220;a real man&#8221; in her opinion (5). It is clear that Lady Macbeth associates manhood with courage - specifically, the courage to kill. She follows this up by saying that she would even be willing to kill her own infant while nursing it if necessary - demonstrating that her &#8220;womanly&#8221; feelings can be overcome by &#8220;manly&#8221; courage. Manhood, to Lady Macbeth, means physical courage and violence, and she uses this view to motivate her husband. Paragraph 3: Macbeth uses the idea of manliness to motivate his hired murderers to kill Banquo. Paragraph 4: Macbeth demonstrates &#8220;manly&#8221; courage by fighting to death at the end of the play even when all is lost. It is always wise to create a brief outline with point-form summaries of each paragraph before you begin to write. Make sure each paragraph sticks to its main point.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>Now, when you know everything about an analytical essay, it is the right time to get familiar with a few examples and to see what is good and what is bad about each of them! Academic writing is one of the most difficult assignments at school and college, so there is not always a chance to write the task on your own. If you lack the time or have no interest in the topic, our writing company is always at your service. ENG208 Critical Essay #2 (Comparative Analysis) are a team of professional writers, who deliver outstanding writing experience to students from all parts of the world. With us you can expect round the clock support, proofreading and editing services, free revisions and much more! For those of you, who struggle to complete an assignment in the best way, there is a simple solution: downloading ready samples from our database. Choosing a quality example will help you to master peculiarities of an outline, persuasive methods, and a winning sequence of providing arguments. Writing assignments can become a challenge even for the most experienced students, and from time to time, all of them need help. The simplest and most effective solution is to get familiar with samples of similar works. With their help, you will not only get ideas on what to write about but also learn new writing styles and techniques and will follow a clear structure. 1. Practice. To achieve success, you should practice as much as possible. 2. Stay focused. How To Write An Analytical Essay shouldn&#8217;t be trapped in explaining the meaning of the discussed topic. 3. Half of your work should be commentary. 4. Make your voice heard. 6. Edit. When your essay is ready to check it multiple times to eliminate all the mistakes. <i>Article has been generated with Essay Writers !</i></p><br />