Ok, now that I've scared the be-gee-bers out of you, if doing it yourself is still your goal, do your research. Get a Chilton's manual, or a Hayes manual for your specific car. Make sure you have the appropriate tools for the job and understand the proper steps to accomplish the job.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The web site not only serves the purpose of those who want to buy a spare part, but also of those who want sell some spare parts. This page allows you to submit your advertisement with pictures or video, which will be published on the home page after careful analysis by the admin team.<br /><br />Now the least you could do to show some appreciation to your poor overused vehicle is to take really good care if it. Show your car a little tender, love, and care for all it gives you. The first plan of action should be is to go to an auto parts near me and purchase a good quality, sturdy, strong car cover. auto near me are really not as expensive as you think. If the prices of the covers in the stores turn you off, don't give up. Try to buy a wholesale car cover for a more reasonable price. You can go online and look up the best place to buy them. A cover is the best investment you can make for your car. It will really keep your car looking nice and new. In addition, it will prevent your car from the normal damage that happens to most cars due to weather and environmental factors, such as bird feces.<br /><br />Your Options Galore: At an online auto parts marketplace, there's an abundance of suppliers offering millions of products. Hence the chances of your finding exactly what you're looking for and of the quality you desire, are much higher. Compare this to a visit to a brick 'n' mortar auto parts store near me which can only house as much variety of products as the floor space warrants.<br /><br />Installation is a major ordeal on some bed liners but not on rubber bed mats. The hardest part is lifting the heavy thing up into the bed. After you get it hoisted into place, all you do is roll it out. It wants to lie flat, being thick and stiff. Once it's in place, there's no worry about it blowing away or moving in the wind. It is too heavy for that.<br /><br />You probably don't think about them until you need them, but good wiper blades are vital keys to driving safely when it's raining. When the rubber part of your wipers become worn or cracked, they can't do an effective job of clearing the rain from your windshield. This, in turn, hinders your visibility.<br /><br />A simple way to measure the tread is to use the &quot;Penny Test.&quot; Stick a penny upside down in the groove of each tire. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, it's time to replace the tires.<br /><br />If you insist on street racing anyway, you can call the local auto store near me so that they can direct you to a track that allows this kind of racing. This is a controlled way to race the people that you may have met on the road and want to see who is faster. You will be able to have fun and stay safe at the same time. Most of these kinds of races are monitored and have an ambulance standing by in case of the worst happening. Best of all you aren't going to get arrested fro racing!!<br /><br />Open the hood of your Grand Am and begin by placing the belt over the air conditioner pulley which is the furthest wheel back, just behind the tensioner.