<br />Introduction<br />When you decide to undergo plastic surgery, you actually take a big step to not only enhance your aesthetic appearance but also to restore your self-esteem. Most plastic surgery procedures are undertaken for aesthetic reasons, but majority are invasive at the skin and tissue level. Your candidacy for plastic surgery will be evaluated during the initial consultation. <br />The plastic surgeon will take a look at many factors before telling you whether you are a good candidate. One of the important things the plastic surgeon will take into account during the consultation is the condition of your skin. In order to achieve better aesthetic results after plastic surgery, your skin needs to be in good condition.<br /><br />Types of plastic surgery procedures and importance of skin condition<br />Your skin quality, tone, and elasticity needs to be in good standing if you are to achieve better outcomes with almost all plastic surgery procedures. However, there are certain procedures that cannot be performed if your skin is in poor condition. Buttock augmentation surgery is performed to add projection and shape to your backside. <br />If you are undergoing butt augmentation via implants, your skin needs to be in good quality. The procedure involves placing the implants inside your buttocks. The weights of the implants have the tendency to stretch the skin. If your skin quality is poor, chances are your butt will become saggy as a result of the stretch caused by the implants. <br />When it comes to breast augmentation via implants, it also requires the patient to have good skin quality. The surgery involves placing foreign objects inside your breasts. If your skin condition is not good enough, your breasts can become saggy after the procedure. It is critical that the patients of breast implant surgery must have a good skin condition.<br />The same holds true when it comes to liposuction and tummy tuck. After liposuction, the body areas treated may become loose and saggy if your skin condition is poor. When this happens, the desired results will not be achieved because suctioning of the fat from the target areas will make the skin saggy and poorly contoured. However, if your skin is in good condition, you can expect to achieve better outcomes with liposuction.<br />The tummy tuck in itself is a procedure meant to treat a saggy abdomen; however, it cannot be performed if your skin quality is severely poor. The surgery involves removal of the excess skin and fat from your abdomen, which results in a firmer, youthful, and toned abdomen. If your skin is in very poor condition, it will become saggy again after the surgery. In order to achieve excellent and sustainable aesthetic improvements with the tummy tuck, make sure your skin condition is good enough.<br /><br />Factors that can affect the skin condition and plastic surgery<br />Your skin condition depends on different factors and the primary among these is elastin, which is the result of collagen in your body. When the collagen production in your body drops or when the elastin in your skin is damaged, it makes the skin saggy, loose, and hanging.<br />There is no doubt that saggy skin looks aesthetically unwelcoming. There are many factors that can damage the elastin of your skin. The primary cause among these factors is weight fluctuation. When you experience considerable weight gain followed by a sudden weight loss, it affects the elastin in your skin. Since the elastin is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of your skin, the skin becomes saggy once it gets damaged.<br />Pregnancy also affects your skin elastin in the same way as weight changes. When you go through pregnancy, your body experiences hormonal changes. As a result, different areas of your body expand. The growth of the baby also expands your abdomen. The expansion effect damages the elastin in your skin. After childbirth, your skin fails to retract to its original position because the elastin has been damaged.<br />Aging is yet another powerful factor that affects the condition of your skin. When you are young, your skin is in excellent condition because your body produces enough collagen to take care of your skin. As you age, the collagen production slows down, which affects the elastin in your skin. As a result, your skin gradually becomes saggy and loose. The effects of gravity, combined with aging, often make the skin worse. <br />Taking a look at the above-discussed factors in light of plastic surgery is one of the most important tasks of plastic surgeons. While there are many procedures available to treat saggy areas of the body, almost all of these require the patient not to have a severely saggy skin condition. When your skin is severely saggy, you will not achieve the desired aesthetic results.<br />Since the skin quality can affect the overall aesthetic outcome, the entire results will be changed if you have good skin quality. You would love the final results because of your good skin condition. There are many people who think the patient&#8217;s skin should become good after the surgery and when the resulting scars are not noticeable. The fact is that scarring is unavoidable in plastic surgery and the procedure cannot deliver you good results without having good skin.<br />Another aspect of plastic surgery and skin condition relates to the scarring after the procedure. It is important to note here that you need to have good skin condition if you want the resulting scars to develop normally. If you have a poor skin condition, the risk of abnormal scarring is greater for you. In Houston Plastic Surgeon , you can expect the scars to appear more noticeable, raised, and even aesthetically unpleasing. <br />Patients should also bear in mind that if you have elastic skin, your skin is in good condition. The elasticity of your skin counts on how much collagen your body produces to enhance the skin and tissue. Some people have a genetic predisposition to lower collagen production. If your body naturally produces a lower amount of collagen, your skin condition may not be good enough for plastic surgery.<br />On the other hand, if your body produces enough collagen, your skin quality will be good, which means you can achieve better results after plastic surgery. The resulting scars will also be less visible and normal. Over time, the scars will fade, which can make it harder to detect that you have had plastic surgery. <br />If you have undergone liposuction, a good quality skin will naturally tighten due to high collagen production and accommodate the area from where fact has been extracted. The same holds true if you get implants. For example, if you get butt or breast implants and have a good quality skin, the skin will stretch and accommodate the implants, but it will not become saggy.<br /><br />Should patients with poor skin condition avoid plastic surgery?<br />This is a common question plastic surgeons hear from patients. Whether or not your saggy skin will affect the final results depends on how severe the sagginess in your skin is. Only a board-certified plastic surgeon will assess your skin and tell you what results you should expect to achieve with plastic surgery.<br />While patients who have good skin condition achieve excellent results with plastic surgery, this does not mean if you have a saggy skin you should not go to a plastic surgeon. Keep in mind that plastic surgery is meant to serve patients who seriously need them. If the plastic surgeon finds out that your skin is mildly or moderately saggy, you may still qualify for many plastic surgery procedures.<br />The plastic surgeons will use their knowledge, skills, training, and experience to examine your skin and conclude whether you can achieve good results after plastic surgery. Also, if you can&#8217;t qualify for one procedure, they may offer you better and more effective alternatives. Remember, however, that while the skin condition affects the final results of plastic surgery, it is not the only thing that shapes the final results. There are many factors good plastic surgeons will take into account during the consultation session.<br /><br />Conclusion<br />The skin condition is of greater importance when it comes to the results of plastic surgery. In order to achieve excellent outcomes with plastic surgery, the patient must have good skin quality. Good skin quality means skin that is elastic enough to expand and contract without becoming saggy. When we talk about good skin quality for plastic surgery, it doesn&#8217;t mean you should have the skin you used to have in your teenage years. There is no doubt that majority of patients undergoing plastic surgery are aged and they have mildly or moderately loose skin. They still achieve good results with plastic surgery. If you are concerned that your skin condition may affect the results of plastic surgery, you should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to know whether your concerns are valid.<br />