Lest you think of salt as a useless addition to your diet, consider the fact that this little mineral can actually affect the health of your entire body. It may seem unimportant to you right now, but it may well be one of the best ways to boost your life.

A common problem that affects Americans is salt deficiency. We eat way too much processed and packaged food that are packed with preservatives and chemical additives. In [[http://b3.zcubes.com/v.aspx?mid=3144070|Sea Salt and Arthritis - How to Take Sea Salt to Treat Arthritis?]] , we add sodium chloride, which is not only a culprit of our poor health, but can also be unhealthy for our entire body. There are two types of salt - sea salt and table salt.

[[https://www.evernote.com/shard/s376/sh/d54dd103-7d97-4bcd-a04c-6e99fa5d589c/3bb7d6811b823df6b0c14809e180e3e9|Sea Salt - A Great Baking Binder]] is considered to be healthier than table salt. According to [[https://pbase.com/topics/caspersensandoval7/salt_in_your_kitchen_read_o|Salt in Your Kitchen? Read on Before Choosing!]] and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, sea salt has the same amount of iodine as table salt. As the name suggests, sea salt is actually part of the ocean. It comes from the briny water of the ocean and is usually not subject to heavy processing or other chemicals.

The average person tends to keep a bit of both types of salt around for varied recipes, including that of salads. If you're really concerned about sodium intake, buy a container of table salt and cut out the extra use of the two extra types of salt.

More people opt to drink sea salt over table salt because of the way it can be used as a body scrub and its ability to detoxify the body. Taking a spoonful of sea salt and rubbing it over your skin is one of the most effective ways to cleanse your body and improve your overall health.

One of the main advantages of sea salt is that it's better for your hair than table salt. It helps retain moisture in your hair, making it stronger and more manageable.

When the world's population was still developing, salt was used in food, but now that humans have become accustomed to eating processed and packaged foods, we need a means to give ourselves nutrients that are vital for survival. Table salt is often the answer for this. Yet, most people are ignorant about the fact that sea salt is beneficial to us, too.

In addition to having the benefits of minerals, salt is a very good source of manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and many other important nutrients that help maintain proper body functions. Instead of spending money on soda, take a bowl of sea salt and scrub your body clean and rejuvenated.