SEEK GPS Tracker and Safety Alarm for Elderly <br />4 Lifesaving Reasons You'd like SEEK GPS Tracker for Elderly <br />Family makes life worth living. We want our family members to live long and fruitful resides. Society&#8217;s Most Vulnerable Under Surveillance_ The Ethics of Tagging and Tracking Dementia Patients With GPS Technology_ A Comparative View has prolonged the lives of many yet hasn't removed all problems having ageing. Mental medical problems afflict several elderly people, with one out of 10 Australians inside the age of 65 suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's. NutTAG's SEEK GPS was made to improve the lives of those suffering with these diseases and people that love them. Maintaining a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer's can be overwhelming. Recent developments in elderly assistive technology has transformed lives. The revolutionary technology of NutTAG's SEEK GPS has helped families across Australia keep ageing parents or grandparents safe, relieving stress and bringing life back into their homes. Knowing you can protect your loved one is invaluable. From fall detection to SOS alerts and emergency alarms, here become the top 4 lifesaving reasons you need NutTAG's SEEK GPS Tracker. <br />1. SEEK GPS has Fall Detection and Two-Way Voice Features <br />Fall detection essential when caring for older family members. NutTAG's SEEK GPS Tracker is water resistant and has a specialised feature that immediately notifies you or a caregiver when a fall occurs. Using emergency alarms, notifications are sent to the App or via SMS for those that don't have the following. You can then take quick action to ensure the safety of one's loved one. Extensively fall has been detected, you may use the two-way voice feature. A call is placed to the SEEK GPS and automatically answered, which means you can speak into your loved one straight away. Emergency alarms can be activated to guarantee you never miss a notification. The fall detection feature can save your relatives' existence. <br />2. Wandering and Geo-Fence Alerts Make Tracking Simpler <br />Wandering is common in Alzheimer's and dementia patients could cause great distress in those who care for the group. School Bus Transportation Security &#8211; 18 Practices to Follow is outfitted with real-time GPS positioning so it is track the movements and location of your loved one from anywhere. Geo-fence alerts are sent to you when relatives wander outside the designated safe zone. Undertake it ! then contact people to take them for you to safety if you're unable to do the work. These features reduce the chances of losing your loved one because of wandering. With regular use, the battery will last between 2 15 days, based to your chosen power saving mode. Otherwise, the battery will last for 28 days on locate mode. This prolongs the safety of your 1. <br />3. SOS Alerts Ensure Ultimate Protection <br />SOS Alerts are crucial in helping an elderly loved one and 're a key feature of NutTAG's SEEK Gps. A family member that finds themselves lost or at a loss for a dangerous situation, can readily send an SOS caution. This will be sent . Up to imprisoned can be notified optimisation ensuring complete protection. Friends, family, not to mention the police can be utilized as emergency contacts. Seven pet activity and location trackers to help you get to know them better get advantage of your elderly relative faster than ever before with this SEEK GPS feature. <br />5. Unlimited Range Means Protection Anytime, Anywhere <br />NutTAG's SEEK GPS features an unlimited range, which guide those who frequently travel for tasks. International SIM cards are available allowing which track the sufferer from from anywhere. You could even take them on holiday with little stress because you'll possess the to track their circulation. The emergency alarm will make sure you are informed of any trouble, as well as can take instant procedure. Your elderly relation can still enjoy their life the following feature. <br />Change existence with NutTAG's SEEK GPS Tracker <br />Our folks are essentially the most precious gift we have. Seeing them age and face mental health challenges could be heart-breaking, using NutTAG's SEEK GPS you can rejuvenate your entire family. These elderly assistive technologies not benefit the lives of your most precious family members but also improve your own by relieving the pressure that along with a caring for an individual with dementia or Alzheimer's. The Fall detection and two-way voice feature ensure you can get immediate help with your elderly cousin. When they end up in any type of trouble, they can easily use the SOS alerts and a serious event alarm in order to triggered. With three people able to respond, obtain rest assured your loved one will be safe. Using geo-fence alerts and real-time GPS positioning, you can check in on your partner at they don't waste electricity and be alerted when they leave the designated safety zone. International capabilities will enrich your family's life and make travelling efficient less hard. Visit NutTAG's website for more information on their revolutionary SEEK GPS. Restrict put a price on peace of mind. Protect your elderly loved ones and pay attention to your well-being simultaneously.