There are now many different hair removal methods available, including the standard electrolysis and waxing methods. You can even have the hair removed permanently in a simple session for as little as $35. The downside to the electrochemical method is that it is painful. With the waxing method the pain is generally only felt by the patient as it dries over the surrounding skin.<br /><br />For Laser Hair Removal - A Cosmetic Option with less sensitive skin or who just don't like to have their skin moistened there is now a safe and painless hair removal laser for home use. A technique called ProLite Touch can be used safely in the comfort of your own home. ProLite Touch Hair Removal Laser System 's not a chemical process; it doesn't require anesthesia; and the results are permanent.<br /><br />One of the advantages of this method over normal waxing methods is that there is no recovery time. With normal waxing you have to apply the wax directly to the skin, then after it has dried out you must then apply another layer of wax to make sure the skin doesn't come back. With the ProLite Touch you simply put the product on a cotton pad and use it like regular hair removal creams and gels.<br /><br />There are three primary components of the ProLite Touch hair removal system. First is the ceramic gel plates that are used to effectively remove unwanted hair. Next is the ProLite Cream, which contains an extremely powerful laser that can easily and quickly remove your unwanted hair without any flaking.<br /><br />ProLite Touch uses the newest version of the specialized laser technology for their laser hair removal method. This laser technology works to penetrate deeply into the hair follicle, removing the hair in one smooth, painless stroke. ProLite Touch is an FDA approved system that can also be used on children.<br /><br />ProLite Touch is the first laser hair removal system to use a patented locking mechanism that prevents the product from being accidentally run over by a hair. This allows the product to continue working even if your hair is continually falling out. This means the product is more effective at targeting larger areas and it can be more convenient to use.<br /><br />Another great feature of the ProLite Touch system is that is actually able to be used on children. What You Need To Know About Laser Hair Removal is designed to be used on and around the hair and skin so it's easily applied to the underarms. Since the cream is not applied directly to the skin, the hair doesn't need to be removed before the cream is applied.<br /><br />ProLite Touch can now be used for both hair removal and for waxing; it's designed to be used over the entire body. It is the perfect system for anyone who wants to remove unwanted hair, whether or not they have to deal with the pain associated with waxing or electrolysis. At $35 the price is affordable for everyone, regardless of their financial situation.