'People don't always have a telephone with them:' GPS tracking options for parents and keep their kids safe <br />After a Lizella child went missing and was later found by law enforcement, 13WMAZ found out ways parents can track their children to help in keeping them safe. <br />MACON, Ga. On Tuesday, police cars, friends, and family surrounded home in Lizella because a missing child. Law enforcement searched for 9-year-old Caleb Simpson who was missing for several hours until he was reunited using his family. <br />It all started around 7:45 some sort of.m. Tuesday. Caleb's mother says he went to skateboard in the yard. He wasn't there when she went to very easily him. <br />She called the Bibb County Sheriff's Office. They used dogs and drones to track within the boy. One of their total neighbors reported hearing noises in their backyard. <br />That's when Deputy Rodrick Smathers and an FBI agent found Caleb hiding on the bushes. <br />According to nationwide Center for Missing and Exploited Children, about 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the The united states. That is about 2,000 reports one day. <br />There are ways parents can track their children to continue them safe. <br />Michael Fowler finds comfort in knowing he can check his phone throughout the day to check on his family's office. <br />&quot;My son just started driving, and it's nice to know where he's at when he's away from the home,&quot; said Fowler. <br />He downloaded the Life360 app on his family's devices. He created an create a new account and added them to his circle with an invite code to trace them. <br />&quot;As a parent, and also ward off you reassure you know where they are supposed to be, and if they're not, you will discover real quickly why,&quot; said Fowler. <br /> Ping GPS Is the World&#8217;s Smallest Global Luggage Tracker that provides some GPS tracking products. 'People don't always have a phone with them_' GPS tracking options for parents to help keep their kids safe lists that they possess a GPS sleeve that is only removable by using a parent . They also sell a GPS belt that stays on despite the fact that your child removes their clothing. Pilots GPS Delivery Tracking in Phoenix sells a GPS shirt, too. <br />&quot;People don't always have a phone with them,&quot; said Fowler. <br />If youngster doesn't possess a phone to install a tracking app, you can purchase a Gizmo watch to take care of their whereabouts. Fowler says you can never be too refined. <br />&quot;It's good to go ahead to get it on ones phone or have something where yow will discover people before something ends up. You don't want to have to realize that you really need it after the fact,&quot; said Fowler. <br />The app alerts users when a arrives at certain locations, when their phone is on low battery, and when they will be a high-crime area. <br />The Life360 app offers three memberships ranging from free to $8 a month per wife and kids.