<center><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /></center><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Ninety-five percent of Affiliate Marketers are leaving money on the table every time they promote a Clickbank product for someone else. And, even worse, they are killing their future income.<br /><br />These typically can not be changed, as it is only an image file. Professionally designed for better conversions, you really can't go wrong with these simple advertisements.<br /><br />Add Expert Interviews: Include an expert interview for ordering through your affiliate link. You could interview the owner to include as added value. Another idea would be to interview a whole group of experts on many related topics.<br /><br /> Xe n&acirc;ng L&#7853;p &#272;&#7913;c . This is one of the most powerful technique when it comes to traffic generation. Provide free report to your customers and let them give away the free report. You can also put an affordable price, let's say $7 and offer 100% commissions so the people giving away your product will be motivated to give it away, don't worry about the initial sale, you can put an oto (one-time offer) product at a higher price and the back-end sales will be yours.<br /><br />For one thing, none of these gurus crashed onto the scene and launched a new product right out of the blue. They all paid their dues by first establishing themselves as a bona fide affiliate marketer first. In doing so they created relationships with the top vendors and proved that they could move product. This is a key point.<br /><br />Imagine this, from the first moment they open that download page, a 30-minute countdown will start. Now your customers only have 30-minute to decide whether to grab your offer or let it pass. Because it's a discounted offer, it make sense why you only do it for 30 minutes.<br /><br />Now C&ocirc;ng Ty L&#7853;p &#272;&#7913;c shows that it is easier and cheaper to sell to someone who has bought from you already than to acquire a new customer altogether. This assumes that their first buying experience from you was an easy and pleasant one. Do not feel bad selling to your customers over and over again. Cong ty Lap Duc change or evolve and so should your products. It is your duty to do so! In fact, you will be doing your list a disservice if your list needs a product and you do not sell it to them. If you do not have the product, become an affiliate of one and sell it to them through your links.