<p>A lot of Americans really think that there is a clause in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution that says that there is a &quot;separation of church and state&quot;. Larry King on CNN was flabbergasted one evening when a preacher told him that it was not there. So what does the Declaration of Independence actually state? In other words, in America, our rights come from God, our Creator, and not from a political party or the government. The Founding Fathers put this in there to differentiate the American model from the European model of government. In Europe, they had something called &quot;the divine right of kings&quot;, which meant that God bestowed his blessings and rights on the King, who then doled them out to the populace as he saw fit. In America, however, the people were bestowed rights from God, and they in turned gave them to the government as they saw fit. In other words, the European model of governance was turned on its head. <i>This content has been created by Essay Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>The Founding Fathers knew that things would be tough, so they invoked God and His divine providence. The atheists in this country who go around saying that all of the Founding Fathers were more like them than religious people are dead wrong. And what about the US Constitution, what does it say about religion? What it plainly says is that Congress shall not pass a law mandating the establishment of a national religion. The framers were very cognizant of the laws of England, and how the Church of England (The Anglican Church) was the national Church, with the King of England being its head. It had been started by Henry VIII, when the Pope refused to grant him an annulment from Catherine of Aragon. The murderous reign of Henry VIII and his successors who killed Catholics by the thousands in the name of God was something that the Founding Fathers did not want for America. However, years later, the so-called &quot;Supreme&quot; Court twisted its meaning and reinterpreted it to mean there shall be no religious displays or religious speech in or around government buildings, including the 10 Commandments on state property, prayer in public schools, or pastors/preacher endorsing political candidates.</p><br /><br /><p>This bastardization of the religion clause of the First Amendment, which is grouped with the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom to peaceable assembly, and the right to petition the government, has led to the most hypocritical government stance ever. Well, the 10 Commandments are on the wall of the Supreme Court, but evidently cannot be in a STATE courtroom in Alabama. I Believe In The Freedom Of Choice &laquo; Jazmine in public schools is forbidden, but Congress opens every session with a prayer by a federally supported CHAPLAIN. No religious symbols of any kind are allowed in public schools or courthouses, but there are crosses and stars of David on many tombstones, paid for with your tax dollars, in Veterans Administration cemeteries across the country. Additionally, every Army Post and Air Force Base has a federally funded chapel, with federally funded chaplains, that use federally funded bibles, candles, and communion hosts for their services.</p><br /><br /><p>The loud atheists among us would have you really believe that most of the founding fathers were something called &quot;Deists&quot;, which are people who acknowledged some kind of deity, but not Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord of us all. The phrase, &quot;The Year of our Lord&quot; can only refer to Jesus Christ, so the Deist argument is clearly erroneous. Here the Father of our Country plainly states that religion and morality are not only necessary for America's success, but that you cannot separate one from the other. A lot of people today are trying to do just that. But once you slice morality away from the basic tenets of the Bible, then anything goes, based on the charisma of the person espousing the latest craze, or the amount of advertising and propaganda being spewed forth on TV, or by how good it sounds on the surface, without taking into account the long range effects of it. And then there is Honest Abe Lincoln and the civil war. His credo and that of the entire abolitionist movement was summed up in their battle anthem, &quot;The Battle Hymn of the Republic&quot;, which is a truly Christian Hymn if there ever was one. His truth is marching on. His truth is marching on. His day is marching on. His day is marching on. Since God is marching on. Since God is marching on. Oh, be The Importance Of Freedom In America - 1256 Words , my soul, to answer Him! Our God is marching on. Our God is marching on. While God is marching on. While God is marching on. Our God is marching on. Our God is marching on.</p><br /><br /><p>Never has a government promised so much and of such importance in civil liberty terms. The idealism and promise of the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative Manifesto has come out to fight against the encroachment that we have suffered at the hands of previous governments. The agreement that has come out from the Lib-Con coalition has proposed a large number changes. Identity cards will be scrapped saving costs. Further to that, the libel laws will be removed so that libel tourism is discouraged and freedom of speech is protected. The Freedom of Information Act is also being extended to allow for more transparency in the system. The statute book will also get a spring clean. The British Bill of Rights looks to not be implemented, but there will be a Freedom or Great Repeal Bill will be drafted. Its exact contents and goals have not been outlined as of yet, but there is plenty that could be proposed.</p><br />