It is the right of every human being to breathe, and live his/her life with freedom of speech and respect for religious preferences. As a member of a society and a Nation, it is the responsibility of every individual to respect one another in all ways possible. For a free society to live in harmony and peace, respect for all races, respect for all religions with out discrimination, is the path every individual needs to tread to bring about world peace. It is the ground work for creating equilibrium in every free society. Why do we make our energies do things that may harm other humans? Art is so powerful and we are using it not to promote Peace and Harmony, but to destroy them. Positive Power and heal the World? This is what I believe. A knife in the hands of a surgeon saves a life. Art. If it is used in a good manner its effects uplift humanity. So I see Art/Music as a synchronization tool for souls. A world where individuals of every religion are given respect. Where the arts are not used in a negative manner. Where there are no political, racial or religious borders. Let us all as Artists unite for Peace.

Politically, China is still a one-party state and the Chinese people do not elect their leaders. How much does this matter? For a start, China was never the same style of 'communist' government that we associate with Soviet Russia. And the days of Mao are loooong gone! Government in China nowadays is actually much less centralised than in most other countries, with an amazing amount of power in the hands of provincial or city-level governing bodies. These local governments are increasingly competing with each other to improve and enrich their domains, and the effect is a lot more positive than controversy-hunting western journalists' usual portrayals. Are the Chinese people oppressed? Chinese society is, any observer would be forced to admit, remarkably free and progressive. In point of fact, most Chinese people couldn't be described as particularly agitated about "freedom" or political change, being more concerned about getting a piece of the GDP pie and improving their lives and their children's lives. Content has been created with the help of!

The political sentiment which most Chinese people share is a desire for stability, safety, and prosperity - and basically anyone would have to admit the government in Beijing is currently doing a really good job at that regardless of any abstract criticisms of their "communist" political identity. Economically, what is China? People always laugh at the phrase "capitalism with Chinese characteristics" but it's true it's hard to find any description or comparative model for the Chinese system these days. In many ways the Chinese are more capitalist at the moment than anyone else, perhaps because the system has lagged behind in regulating and taxing the explosion of private commerce in the last twenty years. The name "The Wild East" has a certain truth about it at the moment, but things are getting more standardised, the RMB (Chinese Yuan - the currency) is now open to trading, and of course China is in the WTO now. Expect the China pages of your newspaper to get ever more prominent as businesses and governments wake up more to the economic power of the Chinese market.

Anyone from almost any country in the world can easily obtain a Chinese travel visa from a travel agent and book a flight to any of China's growing list of international airports. Once in China you can go and stay where you want. It's just as easy as visiting any other country. Don't worry - the travel agency will soon wake up! Pssst - can you think of any other popular world travel destinations where the local people, maybe, possibly don't speak English as their first language? Seriously, in the cities a lot of people can help out clueless travellers, and even if you're trying to be independent or adventurous, you'll find Chinese people friendly, tolerant, and generally not scary at all. In terms of other traveller fears about safety, security, and cleanliness, China is already in the top tier of countries in the world to live in or travel to. Frequent travellers to China will back this up: even in the inner cities of China, you can walk around as a highly visible foreigner, and although you may be stared at, you will never feel in any danger or discomfort. Unless you expected a 'normal' western style toilet - oh dear! Wake up and smell the tea! You need to visit China and experience it yourself: there is no way you will break through the misconceptions and prejudices about China from your armchair. This post was done by [[|Essay Freelance Writersversion]] .