When people lay in bed night after night and can't sleep, they might just be suffering from insomnia. If you suffer from insomnia yourself, you should know that you are not alone. There are betnow.cc who suffer from it for both short and long durations, and there is hope. Continue reading to learn what you need to know about insomnia.<br /><br />Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar and nicotine. These stimulants may be effective in keeping you awake during the day but they are also making it difficult for you to sleep at night. Limit their consumption throughout the day. Do not take any stimulants at least four hours before going to bed for the night.<br /><br />Work out earlier in the day. People with sedentary jobs are more likely to be affected by insomnia than those with more physically demanding jobs. Sometimes, it helps to tire your body in order to get your much-needed rest. Try walking a mile or so after work.<br /><br />If you've tried everything and nothing works, you may have to ask the doctor for a prescription to sleep. Make an appointment with your doctor, so he can prescribe the best sleep aid for you.<br /><br />Get enough sun outside. Take lunch outside, or go for a walk. Sunshine stimulates your glands to produce the natural sedative, melatonin.<br /><br />Some people believe that it is not a good idea to eat before bedtime, but this is not true if you want to sleep soundly. If you eat a snack that is high in carbohydrates before you go to bed, you will be able to fall asleep easier. The carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to spike and when the levels fall, you are in a perfect position to fall asleep.<br /><br />If you are a victim of insomnia, try making a journal of the things you think about before bedtime. Carefully list out the different activities you find yourself doing when it's time for bed. You may notice a pattern and find things that are preventing you from sleeping early. Once those problems are identified, you can eliminate them and get to sleep.<br /><br />Think on something extremely boring. When battling insomnia, you've got to battle an active mind. An active mind is typically thinking on stressors, and that's not good. So put that active mind to use on something incredibly boring. Counting sheep is one way to do this. Give it a shot, it may work for you.<br /><br />Don't automatically reach for prescription medicine when you can't fall asleep, as this can quickly become a dangerous habit. Insomnia is often temporary or simply due to something stressful going on in your life. Try other things first, like warm milk or a bath, and make sure you get an okay from your doctor before trying the heavy stuff.<br /><br />Many people don't talk about the fact that they suffer from insomnia in day-to-day conversations. That means reading articles like this one is very important so that you can learn what's necessary to deal with insomnia for yourself. If you're feeling frustrated because of a lack of sleep, it's important to keep the advice here in mind, so you can sleep soundly again.