<p>Pro: Often, individuals must choose between two imperfect alternatives. For example, in the current healthcare debate, inevitably there will be some limitations on access to healthcare, even if the system remains the same – or whether the nation adopts a single-payer model. Choosing the best for the greatest number of people is one equitable way to make difficult moral decisions. Sample Essay On Buddhist Views On Abortion - Essay Homework Writing Help : Utilitarianism sacrifices minority rights for the sake of the majority. When empathy and caring permeate the healthcare system, such psychological problems are not an issue (Cockrill &amp; Weitz, 2010). Likewise, when society ceases stigmatizing women for having abortions, emotional and psychological distress will also not be a factor. Instead, women would be congratulated because they would have prevented the needless suffering of yet another unwanted human being. The con position asserts that the fetus is a full human being with rights equal to that of the mother. Because of this belief, it is concluded that an abortion is murder. If abortion were killing a human being, then it would be understandable that the &quot;murder&quot; argument would hold true. However, a fetus is a fetus. This paradox is actually one of the fundamental characteristics of the internet. <i>Content has been created with Essay Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><p>Because it is accessible from anywhere, to anyone, there is less accountability for those who choose to employ it. On the internet, people can be whoever they want to be – which, in the case of network dating sites is usually an ideal self, or an exaggeration of a person's actual attributes. Yet even this aspect of network dating sites can yield positive attributes as well. In some instances, people can use these sites and the internet as a means of embarking on changes that benefit them. The United States recognizes the diminished decision-making capacities of minors in many areas. Those under 21 are not allowed to alcohol. Before they turn 18, children cannot vote, join the army, or even call a psychic hotline without their parents' permission. However, some states allow children to make the decision to have an abortion, to end a life, without allowing their parents to even know what they are doing. This type of flawed policy condones recklessness in our children and undermines the moral authority of parents.</p><br /><br /><p>At that point, they should have the freedom to terminate the pregnancy. The pro-life&#8217;s argument that abortion is murder is a bit farfetched. The fetus or embryo may be innocent as they claim; however, it is noteworthy that it is only after the fetus becomes able to survive outside the womb that personhood begins (Ziegler, 2015). This is definitely after birth and not during the pregnancy or at conception. In this respect, the claim that abortion kills innocent human beings is actually not valid. On the contrary, this stance or statement culminates into the victimization of innocent women who have committed no wrong but exercised their right of controlling their reproductive life. Ideally, an embryo or fetus should not be considered a human being just yet. There should thus be nothing like &#8220;unborn babies&#8221; but fetuses or embryos. Legal abortion also ensures that women may avoid maternal injury or death by securing professional and safe means of performing abortion. The point here is that illegalizing abortion would compel some women to resort to unsafe abortion means.</p><br /><br /><p>In the process, they might sustain life threatening injury or even lose their lives (Schwarz &amp; Latimer, 2012). Whether legal or not, a woman would make up their mind and terminate her pregnancy! The only difference is that in a &#8220;legal&#8221; environment, the woman would be safe. Why then endanger the lives of pregnant women who may like to have an abortion by illegalizing abortion? In addition, the pro-life argument that a fetus feels pain during the procedure of abortion is less convincing. How To Write An Abortion Essay- 2020 Writing Guide may be that the reason a mother is terminating a pregnancy is to prevent the yet to be born child from facing the pains of the world. If a mother feels she may not accord her child all the necessities of life, she would be right to subject the child to the &#8220;short-term&#8221; pain during abortion. The decision to terminate a pregnancy should generally lie with pregnant women. It is a private decision that should not be interfered with. Persuasive Essay On Abortion should be able to determine when to have a child. If she deems it not yet time, she should be allowed to abort.</p>