I'm the president of my fraternity that is also part of a national organization. We regularly break rules like buying alcohol with chapter funds If something were ever to happen at our chapter facility and a person were to get hurt our national office probably wouldn't cover us with insurance because we are breaking risk management guidelines. Is there anyway for us to get insurance just for the local chapter members and alumni advisers that would cover us even if we violated risk management protocols? <br />I might suggest you to try this internet site where one can get rates from different companies: http://cheapinsurecar.xyz <br />&quot;Where i could get a vehicle for my driving test does anybody know? I want insurance too. I am 16 years old?&quot; <br />I'm going to go get my license. I'm 16 years old in California. The problem is, I actually donot have a vehicle. Please don't ask me what I am going to do with my license if i dont have a vehicle (it's a long history). I need an automobile I could take to accomplish my road-test. The DMV also requires evidence of insurance. Please tell me where I really could get yourself a vehicle and acquire the proof insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!!&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;What's absolutely the greatest, utmost protection bike insurance for me personally? 20/Y 1st time rider.?&quot; <br />I'm willing to spend more, I simply dont would like to get cheap insurance that doesn't address me. No subrogation conditions, I wish to be protected up to I possibly can. I'm in Arizona. Is Allstate good? I've heard Dairyland Insurance is not bad…anybody have encounter with-it? I dont have any passes on my file.&quot;<br /> <br />Can 4-year old dui influence my motor insurance with geico? <br />May my motor insurance influence with geico?<br /> <br />Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 to get a 16 year old boy so your insurance is cheaper? <br />Whats a good car in the year 1996 to 2002 to get a 16-year old child so your insurance is cheaper?<br /> <br />Is there an employer-sponsored health insurance policy for people? <br />I am currently under a coverage from my homecountry and that I must join health insurance in the US. However, I'm not qualified to receive a group approach because my only additional co-worker is protected thru his partner. Is there a person policy available that allows me to have the premium taken out of my pay pretax? Likewise, any ideas without getting a huge selection of calls from agents, how get a great deal on health insurance? I turned down my phone.&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Just how much might an insurance carrier give me to fix three lid dents Keying damage, and 3 areas of chips?&quot; <br />Our vehicle was horribly vandalized about a month before and a claim was produced by me to my insurance carrier. I originally decided to take my vehicle into one of their several Onestop retailers, where i would simply spend the 250 dollar deductible and have my car totally restored. Since that time I had been set of from work and have been going through a lot of income difficulty. I've been considering merely having an insurer turn out and create a check for the injuries and restore just some of the destruction at a friends shop. My concern is… how much would the insurer write-off for… Essential that is serious scores down around the automobile, a line all to the metal. (20 feet) Three dents to the lid (about 6in size) three parts that where strike, and begun to chip(about 5in in diameter each) It seems determined. I understand, since i am. I'd appreciate any responses, if it'd become a somewhat smart decision, please do not judge me and this scenario, i'm merely curious. Please avoid commenting, im frustrated enough because it is, when you have nothing great to say. Thanks!&quot;<br /> <br />What vehicle has the insurance? <br />For a 17-year old. (MALE)<br /> <br />Do i have to possess credit check to have auto insurance? <br />I still owe am I going to manage to get car insurance with this particular on my file, if yes might you offer some firms who I really could contact although i have a bad credit form once I was made unnecessary i am spending them down today.&quot;<br /> <br />17-year old insurance? <br />I am 17 years old I have had my permit for 5 weeks lacking any incident, what would the typical cost be for low protection auto insurance to get an 88 chevy 4×4 vehicle on an adults insurance? Im just buying a close estimation.&quot;<br /> <br />Just How Much is auto insurance coverage for a 02 PT Cruiser? <br />Ok So I am finding my liscense soon and i was thinking how much a policy is for a 02 therapist i am also on respect roll and passing drivers ed and was thinking how much it would be to get a driver 17 (me) and a driver more than 25 without any promises<br /> <br />Control of Insurance Benefits? <br />Your medical health insurance corporation considers we have more than one insurance and they're currently questioning our promises. We merely have insurance through my manis firm and don't understand how they assumed we are wanting to pull a quick one. How can we prove that we only have ONE insurance? Cheers!<br /> <br />Best healthinsurance for young people that are single? <br />I am trying to find informaiton about health insurance for a solitary, young man…he's 27. What are the affordable guidelines available that could present nominal coverage (annual well visit, a pair ill sessions, one prescription, some emergency?)&quot;<br /> <br />How to get proof of monetary responsibility? <br />I am 21 per year old university scholar from Florida and I am graduating soon. I have always put-off finding a license before faculty and I have been occupied but because I want to get yourself a job after graduating I truly need my license pronto once it began! Our parents back home currently trained me just how to travel but I am signing up for a driving school in my own place just to exercise and obtain the neighborhood streets along. I built a consultation for driving examination a few weeks and one of the items I need to convey is evidence of financial obligation. I am aware itis not insurance because I would like a certificate to have that just how do I get it? I'm also probably going to use my friendis automobile for the examination.&quot;<br /> <br />What is the price of insurance to get a 2006 Corvette C6? <br />60K is made by me annually and also have no costs besides spending $500 a month for lease. Was charged $450 per month. How expensive will the insurance charge for a 22-year old? I'd desire responses from someone who understands an estimate first-hand or presently owns one.&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Only repaid my car! I want to reduce advice, my motor insurance?&quot; <br />I only paid my vehicle off and I want to reduce my car insurance, but I'm uncertain how to go-go about it. I wish to retain coverage that is good but not buy so much. I am a-27 year-old guy, using a good driving history. I would similar to some suggestions about what protections I have myself protected and still remove or could decrease. Thanks&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;I damaged my car, I obtained a quote off the garage, as well as the insurance claimed they will pay,?&quot; <br />So i let the storage deliver a quote and also the insurance explained I could keep my car in, however now i have identified another storage nearer to my residence and he'll fit the price, plus repair it at weekend, and so I dont require the car. can i change for this garage. i reside in Ireland thanks&quot;<br /> <br />Where could I look for a relative of insurance prices for firm insurance that is comercial? <br />Home coverage, an umbrella program, summer camp coverage, equestrian activity insurance is needed by me.&quot;<br /> <br />Color of vehicle and insurance charges? <br />Does one's vehicle's color truly play a part in dictating your car insurance rates?&quot;<br /> <br />Howmuch does motor insurance expense? <br />Like im 16 and i got my automobile its a 1996 pontiac bonneville… Anyways i need insurance to drive it,, so does it work?? Like once I visit get insurance do I've to cover any costis onthespot, when getting my insurance?&quot;<br /> <br />Classic Car Insurance to get a 17-year old? <br />im wanting to buy a common mini (1989) its a 1l what is the best way to-go about assuring it.? i've noticed adrian flux do include you in case you ring up but its restricted distance, how can that work:) Thankyou very much!&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Sad Love Account, Motor Insurance concern to get a 19 year old. Please Enable. 10 things are rewarded by will?&quot; <br />I've been observing this son for a time now and I have fully fallen for him. This past year, my life fell apart in high-school and he is the thing that's gone right. He is the one individual who makes my heart race all fast and stomach do flips with those butterflies. I'm definitely crazy about him. I'm just not ensured although I have my permit. Our grandfather found a bill I looked at the miles and left in the car by accident and I got the vehicle removed. I can not stop crying, if any one of you're in love you realize how I should experience. I can't stop crying. I understand just how Juliet should have felt:'(Now to the insurance question. My 70-year old grandfather won't I'd like to generate anymore until I'm insured. He's esurance and I am 19 and wish to have added onto it. Does anyone have any idea of the fee? I would be helped by it out so much and so I understand I have to save. Till then I'll have to get the coach to find out him, I guess:(thankyou! I'll reward remedy best.&quot;<br /> <br />Howmuch may a mg zr 1.4 be to guarantee? <br />Im 17 and i understand it wish a year come over 4000&quot;<br /> <br />Lenders property insurance in California pet issue? <br />I wondered if there are any pets that are not helped or might trigger my insurance bill to go up and now have bankers home insurance for household insurance?&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;My dad it has diabetes, clearly he can't get insurance and has been here in the usa for 25 years&quot; <br />My father it has diabetes he cannot get insurance because he wasnt delivered here on us but he has diabetes severe and truly terrible and has been within the united states for 25 years, does anyine know how I will help him get medication? Some sort of program possibly? Or how much does the very best diabetes treatments price? i would appreciate any kind of help.&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;What is so you can get a quote for insurance 50cc in the UK, on the scooter a good site?&quot; <br />I must guarantee a 50cc scooter in britain, does anyone no anywhere I could get some good prices&quot;<br /> <br />How do you get insurance for a fraternity executive board? <br /> I'm the president of my fraternity that is also part of a national organization. We regularly break rules like buying alcohol with chapter funds If something were ever to happen at our chapter facility and a person were to get hurt our national office probably wouldn't cover us with insurance because we are breaking risk management guidelines. Is there anyway for us to get insurance just for the local chapter members and alumni advisers that would cover us even if we violated risk management protocols? <br />I might suggest you to try this internet site where one can get rates from different companies: http://cheapinsurecar.xyz <br />Simply how much will your full-coverage insurance be increased by a dui? <br />In the event the insurance isn't dropped alltogether that's, obviously. It really is already high since i ran in to a parked vehicle this past year (no, was not consuming). so how much can it go up (% smart) for full-coverage and then what proportion for responsibility?&quot;<br /> <br />Which is smarter? Do not purchase medical health insurance? or go chuck advanced cash out the entranceway? <br />Our business plan was ended, now there can be a new plan being offered. Therefore should we spend the brand new $ 1050 quality, or would it not be wiser to put that profit the financial institution and purchase our…show more&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;What's the least expensive bike insurance in Ontario, Europe?&quot; <br />I could only locate ONE bike insurance issue called its $156 and Kingsway per month to get a Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, that is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So there are more bike insurance items…. Which are cheaper????!!! I am 21. Thanx.&quot;<br /> <br />Cheap auto insurer for young driver? <br />I am A - 19 year-old male looking for a cheaper auto insurance estimate than 1500. Does anyone know the cheapest car to ensure? Or a cheap insurer?<br /> <br />What will I've to fund car insurance? <br />Im a driver 16 years of age and that I am male. I live-in philadelphia in a little metropolis of around 6,500 people and that I would like to discover how much i would possibly calculated be paying monthly for my motor insurance. Idrive a 1998 Dodge Neon Highline. I dont know if I can be helped by everyone but if you've some location were I could move and acquire about what I'll likely pay for motor insurance, an appraisal it would be greatly appreciated.&quot;<br /> <br />Motor insurance problem? <br />I've been driving my sweetheart auto to get whatnot and to school and work. My title is not on the insurance, although their vehicle is covered. What might happen the policeman noticed my title was not to the insurance and if i got stopped?&quot;<br /> <br />Car Insurance Recinded?!?!?! AID? <br />Okay… so my mommy got in a car accident. Which made the insurance corporation have a look at my insurance. They determined that I had been an at-risk driver. If I were to obtain in a incident and la and they were not acquiring adequate money from me -p- da so my insurance was removed!!!! They delivered a notice telling me to essentially find another corporation inside a week to me. I was only wondering. has this happened to other people?! How much can my insurance increase?? -I've had 1 accident which was because of climate conditions… However they still labeled it as to blame -1 racing ticket (10km over… no points recinded) -1 no-seatbelt ticket. I'm 19 in per month… an honours student. female.going for my 'h' in a week. … What do I really do?!?!&quot;<br /> <br />Auto insurance for children!? <br />So im 16 and also have my permit. Until I will consider my permit check, I've to consider 3 behind the wheels by having an instructor. Nevertheless if and when i get basically don't live with him, my certificate could I be on my men insurance. Our mom will not pay something for my insurance the only insurance I could get is by using dad and so basically would like to get my certificate I've to be on insurance. So does anybody know basically don't dwell with him easily could be on my dads insurance?&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Are manual-shift automobiles better on fuel than automatics, and so are they cheaper insurance clever?&quot; <br />Are manual-shift cars better on gasoline than automatics, and so are they insurance smart?&quot;<br /> <br />Auto Insurance In St Louis? <br />I just ordered a 2002 Mazda Protege today and I obtained the car right out-but today I'm considering automobile insurance but I have no idea where you should move. I'm seeking to just get liability but performing online quotes is really a lil' tedious since I don't know what I'm considering. Can somebody tell me what is the top fee for car insurance in St. Louis togo. I have never had any priors operating someone else's vehicle and also provide never had auto insurance before.&quot;<br /> <br />Just how much does it charge a Porsche Boxster 2.5 2dr Roadster 1998. to be insured monthly by me? <br />Found a very good one, will require to with an concept of how much it's going to cost me before i dive in. Thank you.&quot;<br /> <br />Vehicle ratings for price? <br />For insuring cars and other transport, status numbers auto insurance businesses use.&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Minimal motor vehicle accident, no insurance?&quot; <br />So I found myself in a minor car wreck, I believe my insurance expired. I simply possess a few scratches on my vehicle, however for another driver her sideview mirror broke. I wondered merely to shell out of pocket he or she probably includes a few scatches on her vehicle aswell and because side-view mirror repair isnt that much, and going right through most of the headache is to function and much time. She wanted to change insurance info but wasnt able because I had beenn't sure if I was protected or not, to offer. What to do? My first car wreck! :(&quot;<br /> <br />Motorcycle insruance guess for 17-year old girl (Indiana)? <br />I'm a 17 year old female so I would not be operating and I livein Indiana. I have great marks and I may have done the security program. I am considering probably anything older. If every other under-18 year old has insurance and knows PERSONALLY howmuch it would charge please let me understand.&quot;<br /> <br />Just how much might insurance be to get a road? <br />I'm looking into investing in a honda CRF 230 that has breaklights etc., headlights everything it takes to be road legal. Iam needing it because I drive a lot of tracks that you might want to acquire on the road for so long to obtain on the next trail and I'd determine id license it therefore I dont have to be worried about outrunning the police but if the insurance would be substantial, I'd just forget it so whats the cheapest you may get insurance for that and by the way I'm 19 and have my bike permit.&quot;<br /> <br />Bike insurance problem? <br />Hi, so im 19 and live-in ontario. I wish to get insurance for my cycle but its hella pricey. May I 'offer' the cycle to my uncle (DOESN'T LIVE WITH ME), he insures it and becomes primary rider and places me as extra? He has their own cycle ill, and so he'll have 2 bikes under his label be secondary for 1 will it work?&quot;<br /> <br />Whats THE LOWEST PRICED motor insurance to get a teenage woman to have? <br />Iam a 17 year old lady, junior in high-school, and I'm looking for the least expensive car insurance out I get get on my car.&quot;<br /> <br />Insurance? <br />Planning to begin hoping to get pregnant next few months. Presently I don't have any medical insurance. What is the insurance method with maternity? I know clearly no ins company. After I am pregnant will take me. But much ahead of time can I need to have insurance BEFORE getting pregnant? And any particular program I ask or ought to note for that will assist buy prenatal treatment &amp; childbirth? I plan on using a midwife, how will that impact it aswell? Cheers ahead of time!!&quot;<br /> <br />Average scooter price for 21yo scholar? <br />Im thinking of getting a moped to operate around on as its wondered this would cost and much cheaper than a car. I can find simply how much might the duty be although the moped? Im women 21-year old scholar, from england for working out the insurance, if that assists in any respect.&quot;<br /> <br />New hampshire vs boston auto insurance? <br />Is New Hampshire car insurance Ma automobile insurance costs?<br /> <br />Minimum wage is made by im 17 and want a vehicle. Parents wont help automobile fee or pay motor insurance. Exactly what do I-d? <br />im 17 years old and produce minimum salary. I want a vehicle but my parents wont help purchase car insurance or vehicle cost. I need lunch money and gasoline money. I simply produce $6 an hour at my insurance and my career $115 as well as the auto payment is $98. is i easy for me to acquire a vehicle in any respect?<br /> <br />How could automobile usage affect the insurance price? <br />Will the fee go higher with higher mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) Cheers!&quot;<br /> <br />Car insurance suggestions that are commercial? <br />I've to create a software for a professional about auto insurance and that I require ideas of how to proceed.&quot;<br /> <br />Pure expense of life insurance? <br />Hi, I was just wondering if life insurance's natural charge adjustments or does it stay precisely the same? When the policy is renewed, will it boost? Cheers&quot;<br /> <br />&quot;Before you complete your exams, can you will get a quote for car insurance?&quot; <br />And so I thought that you might not have the ability to obtain a quotation before you pass your test no insurance firms will give me a for motor insurance? someone help!!! PLEASE&quot;<br /> <br />How do you get insurance for a fraternity executive board? <br /> I'm the president of my fraternity that is also part of a national organization. We regularly break rules like buying alcohol with chapter funds If something were ever to happen at our chapter facility and a person were to get hurt our national office probably wouldn't cover us with insurance because we are breaking risk management guidelines. Is there anyway for us to get insurance just for the local chapter members and alumni advisers that would cover us even if we violated risk management protocols? <br />I might suggest you to try this internet site where one can get rates from different companies: http://cheapinsurecar.xyz