Imagine this, from the first moment they open that download page, a 30-minute countdown will start. Now your customers only have 30-minute to decide whether to grab your offer or let it pass. Because it's a discounted offer, it make sense why you only do it for 30 minutes.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />It really has no bearing on what your page is trying to get across, but surely you will have noticed that some graphics just seem to be so much better suited to any given page. Do you really need 25 different graphics on one page? I don't know, perhaps if you are promoting some kind of video games to the youngsters, but I'm really not even sure about that.<br /><br /><br /><center><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /></center><br /><br />Your oto should be short, sweet and to the point. This page will consists of a headline, opening paragraph, short talk about the benefits, list of products with descriptions, bulleted list of benefits, guarantee, order link, a conclusion with P. S.'s and the link to your free products.<br /><br />Let Online Marketing - How Do People Really Make Money On The Internet? tell you the truth. You will read a lot of so called articles and reviews out there that say these free offers work for those just starting out. High Ticket Marketing - Most Powerful Cash Pulling System On The Planet think they are a waste of time and effort. The chance of the average person getting any amount of qualified leads from these programs is dismal at best. You would have a better chance with scratch off tickets from 7/11. Personally I would take my chances with the lottery ticket. It took me an entire day to navigate my way through capture pages, pop-ups and sales pages. After a couple of days I waited for my leads. I wound up with 2. If you value time and energy involved, there is nothing free about these programs.<br /><br />As you learn more about selling online, or selling in general, you realize that urgency is a powerful motivation for people to buy. If they feel they need to have something *right now* they will be more likely to purchase from you.<br /><br />If you need to find pictures for your products the best way is to use Google's images search engine. It can be found on Google's main page by clicking the images link.<br /><br />Someone who has downloaded a free report from you is more likely to respond positively to a product pitch than someone who has just happened upon your site and is reading your sales letter.<br /><br />But this has to be done right. Before getting customers to enter payment information, first display the item that they are buying, just like how e-commerce sites with shopping carts. And below that, list some products RELATED for upsell.