<p>A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.Wolf has pointed out the importance of engaging the reader into their essay because if you are not able to maintain the reader s interest then there is no use of writing a great essay, no matter how informative it is. There are many tricks that can be used for engaging a reader into the essay but somehow students don't get an idea how to use them effectively which ultimately destroys the quality of their great essays. We thought to provide five simple steps for writing great essays in less than one hour. This one should be given the utmost importance because all of your essay would be depending on the theme. 1-What is the purpose of your writing? 2-What is your target audience?</p><br /><br /><p>3-What is the message you want to convey? If you are able to write clear answers of the preceding questions then you will surely be able to come up with a good theme. Now, you know what to type in the Google search box so go ahead and find all the pertinent information about the topic that you have just decided. The material will help you write an outline for writing a great essay. If you are fully satisfied with the material, only then start making your outline. The thesis statement is not doubt the backbone of your great essays, but the arguments which are specially crafted in order to support the claim are important as well. Overcrowding a page with words with no meaning at all will end you up with nothing. So, make sure that you are crafting arguments that are reliable, authentic and most of all powerful. The organization of an essay should be well-defined for example; the thesis statement should not be placed after the body or concluding sentences placed in the body. An ideal solution for determining the format of a great essay is to follow the guideline provided to you by your teacher. Proofreading involves strict checking of the essay for grammatical mistakes, sentences structures, spelling mistakes etc. It is recommended to check your essay again and against to trace out the minor flaws as well.Hence, when you are completed with the above told five steps, your essay is set to go. Just submit it to your teacher and get guaranteed A grade in your exams. Final words of advice are to be creative and original while writing your great essays.</p><br /><br /><p>&#8220;Why Was Stonehenge Built? Introductory Sentence: Mobile phones have taken a drastic effect on our daily lives in the worst possible way. Link Sentence to the Thesis: The everyday use of mobile technology has gone out of control. Description: The paper describes the regular dangers and negative effects on humans regarding cell-phone usage. The ordeal can be life-threatening, or simply socially depriving. First argument: High amounts of cell-phone usage results in negative health consequences. Second Argument: Cell-phone usage has a negative effect on human interaction. Third Argument: Texting while driving is worse than drinking and driving. Evidence/Reference: &#8220;Mobile phones communicate with base stations using radiofrequency (RF) radiation. If RF radiation is high enough, it has a &#8216;thermal&#8217; effect, which means it raises body temperature. Explanation/Claim: The radiation from phones possesses cancerous elements after long-term usage. In other words, one&#8217;s long-term cell-phone usage can put him or herself at risk of terminal illness, or worse. There is still a lack of evidence to this claim as cell-phones have not been around for very long.</p><br /><br /><p>Link Sentence: Which brings us to how cell-phones are destroying human interaction. Evidence/Reference: &#8220;Sherry Turkle argues that the use of cell phones while in social situations affects the quality of human conversation. Turkle says that it makes people less open and honest in conversation. She also says it makes people less empathetic. Explanation/Claim: Mobile phone usage has gotten to the extent that humans are no longer communicating. Families go out to restaurants, cafes, and parks without interacting with each other due to their addiction to cell-phones. Humans have also possessed far less empathy compared with 15 years ago due to the missing interaction that could have been obtained during this time period. This shows mostly in school children who have been born into this way of life. Link Sentence: Apart from that, cell-phone usage while driving also comes with life-threatening risks. Explanation/Claim: Using a mobile device while driving a motor vehicle has more of a drastic effect than drink-driving. <i>Article has been generated with Essay Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><br />