[[https://www.file-upload.com/8be0ugrxn3d7|ซีรี่ย์จีน 2020]] , Her Majesty's London is located in Haymarket, within the City of Westminster, London. [[https://sendit.cloud/cf1e1pz6rcdm|ซีรี่ย์จีน สนุกๆ]] was John Vanbrugh who established the very first theater inside the current site in 1705 and was named Queen's Theater Vanbrugh built this building to express the growing load over the Theater Drury Lane and Lincoln's Inn, two the first theater in London. Today Her Majesty's Theater may be the second oldest theater of London after Duruy Lane. Loaded with lavishness and beatified with opulent grandness, fascinating charms of the theater pulls theater goers towards the house for repetitive visits.
It was in 1714 when its name was changed from Queen's Theater to King's upon King George I's accession to the British throne. The gender with the ruling monarch of Britain has since then remained decisive about the name of Her Majesty's theater the period between 1901 and 1952 it was called His Majesty's before being named Her Majesty's following Queen Elizabeth II's accession as the monarch of Britain. It became internationally renowned name after it hosted London premiers of Mozart's La Clemenza Di Tito in 1806, Cosi fan tutte and Die Zaubelflote in 1811.
The present edifice principal purpose is through the renowned architect Charles J. Phipps in 1897 for the actor - manager Herbert Beerbohm Tree. Tree founded RADA in 1904. In [[https://www2.zippyshare.com/v/KKNJzMtj/file.html|ดูซีรี่ย์จีน]] with the last century, Tree hosted performances of some of the brilliant Shakespeare plays here. Premieres of other notable playwrights like George Bernard Shaw, J.M Synge, Noel Coward and J.B. Priestley were also hosted here. The wide stage in the theater has produced it suited to large-scale musicals, through the oncoming of First World War and the house has since that time committed to hosting musicals. Oscar Asche's Chu Chin Chow began its record breaking run of 2,235 performances throughout 1916. Its record remained unbroken for coming several decades until Salad Days hit the stage in 1955. Apart from this, other significant productions that enjoyed successful run here includes West Side Story that arrived 1958, Fiddler on the Roof in 1967 as well as the currently running Andrew Lloyd Weber's musical The Phantom in the Opera.
The world premiere with the Phantom from the Opera was hosted here on 9th October 1986 and ever since then the masterpiece may be running here. Winner of various international awards, the incredible musical celebrated its 25th anniversary throughout October 2011 and surpassed the landmark of 10,000 performances in October 2010. Today it is the second longest-running West End musical after Les Miserables and is still a crowd puller at the theater night after night. Featuring songs like All I Ask Of You, Think Of Me and The Point Of No Return, the musical is ideal for all genres. Shows of Phantom from the Opera are hosted at Her Majesty's Theater London Monday to Saturday at 19:30 and matinee shows on Thursday and Saturday at 14:30.